Olga D. Abramova, Doctor of Sciences (political sciences), PhD (economics), Professor, member of the Russian Academy of political science (№ 02-0802), full member of the Academy of military science (№ 42/09), member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA Membership Receipt), member of National Union of Politologists, professor at the Chair of politology and political management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and State Service.

Specialist in the field of theory and methodology of international relations, world politics, global economy and global economic ties, world integration processes and competitiveness of Russia in the modern world. Has scientific and educational publications, including publications abroad in the total volume of about 200 p.p., including: Integration of Russia into the World Community: Ways, Problems and Prospects. – М., 2003; Economic Component of World Development. – М., 2003; Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions in the Context of Increasing their Competitiveness // Problems, Perspectives, Ways of Ensuring National Security of Russia in Conditions of Global Crisis / under general editorship of S.V. Smulsky. – М., 2009; Methodology of Evaluating Economic and Political Factors of Countries' Competitiveness // National Security of Russia: Problems and Ways of Ensuring . – 2010. – Issue. 2 (11); Development of Cooperation Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan as a Factor of Ensuring National Interests // National Security of Russia: Problems and Ways of Ensuring. – 2010. – Вып. 3 (12); Features of Building a Civil Society in the Context of Competitiveness of Russia // Problems of National, Federative and International relations. – М., 2011 (in collaboration); International Economic Relations. – М., 2011; Russian Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice / under general editorship of S.V. Smulsky and O.D. Abramova / executive editor – V.S. Buyanov – М., 2013; Konkurenceschopnost ruska v podmínkách současných výzev a hrozeb // Rusco v 21. Stoleti: politika. ekonomika. kultura. – Praha, 2013.