№ 10 (63), 2024

Academic journal “Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations”. Volume 13, Issue 10 (63), 2024



  • Poltavchenko D.A., Delov N.S., Grigoryan D.K. On the Issue of Public Confidence in the State During a Special Military Operation
  • Itiuridze L.A. Modernization of Political Management as a Political Science Phenomenon in the Context of the Participatory Discourse Emergence
  • Krivova A.L., Maslakova A.O. The Problem of Translation of Terms and Interpretation of Political Discourse Into Russian


  • Kolosova O.A., Shleenko A.V., Begicheva O.L., Zolkin A.L., Novoselsky S.O. Role of Brand in Regional Management
  • Molodtsov K.V. The Role of Global, Macro-Regional and Country-Level Trends in the Development of the Oil and Oil Products Market of the African Continent
  • Novoselsky S.O., Rastorguev A.A., Zolkin A.L., Romanovsky A.S., Slavova A.O. Social and Economic Assessment of the Development of the Healthcare System of the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Crisis
  • Khrushchev E.G. Peculiarities of Normative Regulation of Land Relations During the Nepe Period
  • Shleenko A.V., Novoselsky S.O., Petrosyan A.D., Polyanskaya O.A., Levkina V.S. Socio-Economic Assessment of Labor Market Development in the Crisis


  • Novoselsky S.O., Dyshenova N.R., Gerasimenko I.I., Ignatova M.N., Zolkin A.L. Influence of Geopolitical Instability on Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior


  • Slizovsky D.E., Medvedev N.P. Russian Education Policy and Science in Researchers' Publications (Part Two)


DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.001

D.A. POLTAVCHENKO Undergraduate of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and GS under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

N.S. DELOV Candidate of Law Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Criminology and Operational Investigative Activities FGKOU in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Done, Russia

D.K. GRIGORYAN Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Duma under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The article analyzes the level of trust of citizens in public authorities in 2022-2024. Modern realities have turned the category of trust into an important element of the social life of society, the importance of which increases during periods of socio-economic instability. The authors note an increase in the cohesion of the population since the beginning of the special military operation and study their manifestations. On the basis of this, the level of importance and involvement of civil society in public and political life increases. The article analyzes in detail the statistics of the level of public confidence in government structures based on sociological surveys.

Key words: special military operation, approval level, trust rating, activities of public authorities, leaders of parliamentary parties, activities of the president.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.002

L.A. ITIURIDZE Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of the private institution of additional professional education "Education Center "Alma Mater"", Moscow, Russia


Modernization theory emerged in the late 1950s and the first half of the 1960s, focused on the issue of legitimizing a democratic regime with high citizen involvement in governance, which essentially marked the emergence of participatory discourse. Despite attempts to describe the model comprehensively, by the end of the 1960s, modernization theories of the first wave were criticized by the academic community. This process was due to a certain isolation from the historical context and changing foreign policy conditions, straightforwardness and lack of variability in the development of postulates, and the open American-centricity of this theory.

This article is devoted to the development of the theory of modernization in the context of the emergence of participatory discourse at the stage of the second and third waves of modernization and covers the period from the late 1960s to the present.

Key words: modernization, political governance, participatory governance, participatory democracy.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.003

A.L. KRIVOVA Senior Lecturer, Department of Socio-Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

A.O. MASLAKOVA Lecturer, Department of English Philology and Translation Studies, State Humanitarian and Technological University (GGTU), Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russia


This work is devoted to the urgent problem of translation of political speech in modern society, characterized by a high degree of politicization. In the context of globalization, intensive exchange of information and development of mass media, accurate and adequate translation of political terms and concepts is of particular importance. The paper analyzes specific difficulties of translating political discourse, including lexical and grammatical issues related to the polysemy of terms, idioms, metaphors, cultural features and dynamics of the political sphere. Particular attention is paid to the role of the translator as an interpreter of the author's position, emotional coloring and national context in political speech. The study emphasizes the importance of preserving not only the factual but also the emotional component of the political message in translation, referring to the theoretical approaches of Komissarov V.N. and Barkhudarov L.S. The paper highlights the features of political speech, such as the use of clichés, neologisms and stylistic devices, as well as problems arising when translating proper names and specific terminology. In conclusion, the need for a deep understanding of the political context and cultural specifics is emphasized to achieve a high-quality translation of political discourse.

Key words: translation, political speech, political discourse, political terminology, semantics, grammar, cultural context, emotional coloring, equivalence, globalization, international relations, social networks, communication.


DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.004

O.A. KOLOSOVA Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing Department State university of management, Moscow, Russia

A.V. SHLEENKO Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia

O.L. BEGICHEVA Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Advertising Communications, Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia

A.L. ZOLKIN Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTY), Samara, Russia

S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Researcher, Research Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Introduction: the paper assesses the role of brand in the regional management system as the most important factor in the growth of investment attractiveness of the territory and attraction of qualified labor force. In the conditions of struggle for investment flows and high-quality human capital, brand is the most important factor of regional competitiveness. Popularization of territorial brand in the sphere of regional management expands prospects in the coordinate system of interregional competition for additional opportunities of socio-economic growth. High-quality brand management should be systemic and cyclical, based on sustainable information support, ensuring the replication of the main attributes in the specialized information space. At the same time, the key characteristics of the brand should correlate as much as possible with the historical and socio-economic features of the development of the territory, which shows the uniqueness of the region in the all-Russian space. It is advisable to update individual elements of the brand depending on events and demands of the socio-cultural environment, but while maintaining the fundamental attributes that associate it with the region. The purpose of the work is to clarify the essential characteristics of the regional brand and use them to increase the investment attractiveness of the territory. Research results: the authors' team carried out a general assessment of the effectiveness of brand management in the Kursk region based on a study of qualitative and quantitative criteria, which made it possible to group strategic priorities for optimizing regional policy in this area, ensuring an increase in the expression of recognition and uniqueness.

Key words: brand, regional management, socio-economic development of the territory, marketing analysis, brand strength.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.005

K.V. MOLODTSOV Applicant of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow


This article is devoted to the study of the role of trends at the global, macro-regional and country levels in the development of the oil and petroleum products market in African countries. The author identifies the leading trends in the development of the African continent at the present stage, analyzes their positive and negative impact on the development of the oil and petroleum products market, and concludes that external actors are growing in their desire to invest in the oil sector of African countries.

Key words: trends, Africa, oil, petroleum products, global level, macro-regional level, country level.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.006

S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Researcher, Research Laboratory Moscow Institute of Economics, Moscow, Russia

A.A. RASTORGUEV Lecturer, Department of International Relations and Public Administration, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «South-West State University», Kursk, Russia

A.L. ZOLKIN Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences Department, Private Institution of Higher Education «Medical University Reaviz»; Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTY), Samara, Russia

A.S. ROMANOVSKY Master's student of the Department of Management and State Municipal Administration Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «MGUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky» (PKU)», Moscow, Russia

A.O. SLAVOVA Student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov», Ryazan, Russia


Introduction: the article reveals the results of diagnostics of the main socio-economic indicators of the development of Russian healthcare in the crisis conditions of uncertainty. Healthcare is the most important area of the entire social policy and, accordingly, the state should pay maximum attention to this industry. The development of high-quality state policy in relation to medical institutions, even in the medium term, will ensure a multiple solution to the demographic problem, and in the short term will significantly reduce the level of social tension in society. In the current conditions of increased risks, it is healthcare that should act as a stable foundation on which citizens will rely to minimize social risks. In addition, achieving high quality of functioning of medical institutions will ensure the expansion of positive characteristics of domestic human capital, which will become factors of economic growth and increase in labor activity on a macroeconomic scale.

The purpose of the work is to conduct a medium-term retrospective assessment of the organizational, economic and social indicators of the development of the Russian healthcare system in a crisis. Results of the study: the authors, on the basis of a general statistical dynamic analysis, identified a number of problematic aspects of the development of the domestic health care system that require solutions within the framework of state policy to mitigate potential social risks in the future.

Key words: health care system, state policy, social risks, medical institutions, hospital organizations, doctors, medical personnel.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.007

E.G. KHRUSHCHEV Lecturer in the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia


The article studies the peculiarities of normative regulation of land relations in the period of the New Economic Policy. The prerequisites of the necessity of codification of land policy on the territory of the RSFSR, its formation and development, creation of a unified state land fund within the framework of this policy are traced. The legal status of the population within the framework of land ownership, more precisely the abolition of private ownership of land, and the peculiarities of legal regulation of obligatory relations are studied. Past normative-legal acts aimed at regulating land relations are analyzed with the studied Code in order to identify features and differences, to trace the trend of development and progress of land legal relations.

The methodological basis was the general dialectical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, comparative-legal, formal-logical, statistical and other methods.

Scientific articles on the subject of analyzing the new economic policy, as well as studies of lawyers in the field of the history of state and law were used as materials.

In the course of scientific research of documents and historical analysis of the era of the new economic policy, the author made conclusions regarding the land legislation and peculiarities of normative regulation of land relations during the NEP period: in the difficult conditions of economic crisis and decline of both agriculture and industrial sphere due to the shortage of food and raw materials after the war and intervention, the Land Code of the RSFSR became the key legislative act that defined a new land policy that corresponded to the modern times. The adoption of this document marked the completion of the active stage of agrarian reforms in the country. In addition, it served as a stimulus for the development of similar documents in all republics of the USSR, necessary for the final approval of the new land system throughout the Soviet state.

Thus, the study of land relations during the NEP period allows us to better understand the peculiarities of the development of agriculture and the economy as a whole, as well as their impact on subsequent historical events.

Key words: land code, new economic policy, land legal relations, agriculture, market, politics, law.

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.008

A.V. SHLEENKO Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «South-West State University», Kursk, Russia

S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Researcher, Research Laboratory Moscow Institute of Economics, Moscow, Russia

A.D. PETROSYAN Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)», Moscow, Russia

O.A. POLYANSKAYA Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of «Economics, accounting and analysis of economic activity» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint Petersburg State Forest Engineering University named after S.M. Kirov», Saint Petersburg, Russia

V.S. LEVKINA Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Customs Affairs and Customs Law, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Kursk Region «Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service», Kursk, Russia


Introduction: the article presents the results of the socio-economic assessment of the Russian labor market development in the current crisis conditions caused by the negative impact of geopolitical and macroeconomic factors. The main problems of the domestic labor market development include personnel shortages for certain relevant categories of workers, a steady decline in the real purchasing power of wages due to the influence of the inflation factor, as well as the expansion of the non-transparent segment of labor relations, within which employers seek to reduce the social cost of labor. The research materials are based on the results of the content analysis of expert assessments of individual authors, as well as on the diagnostics of statistical data revealing the dynamics of the labor force, labor activity, the number of the working-age population, the unemployment rate and nominal wages. The labor market is a complex object of state regulation, as it is subject to the influence of financial, economic, social, regional and political factors, each of which has its own specifics. In this regard, to ensure balanced functioning, it is necessary to use proactive management tools to prevent the occurrence of stressful events and mitigate probabilistic risks.

The purpose of the work is to conduct a socio-economic assessment of the development of the labor market under the existing market conditions of the functioning of the national economy.

Research results: the authors, based on the generalization of expert assessments and analysis of verified statistical material, identified problematic aspects of functioning, as well as positive results of state regulation of the Russian labor market.

Key words: labor market, unemployment, employment, state regulation, labor force, labor relations, real wages, labor activity.


DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.009

S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Researcher, Research Laboratory Moscow Institute of Economics Moscow, Russia

N.R. DYSHENOVA Senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology Institute of Social Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)», Moscow, Russia

I.I. GERASIMENKO Member of the All-Russian public organization «Union of Designers of Russia», associate professor of the department of design and construction of clothes, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)», Moscow, Russia

M.N. IGNATOVA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Public Administration Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «South-West State University», Kursk, Russia

A.L. ZOLKIN Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTY), Samara, Russia


Introduction: the paper presents the results of assessing the influence of geopolitical instability on the psychology of consumer behavior. The article includes clarification of theoretical and methodological aspects of transformation of consumer behavior in conditions of instability, as well as the results of the analysis of the statistical information base, revealing operational retrospective trends of consumer behavior of Russians under objectively existing macroeconomic turbulence and political risks. Certain theses formulated in the paper are confirmed by statistical data in the form of dynamics of the real wage index, as well as the ratio of expenses and savings in the structure of income of the population of the Russian Federation. The presented classification allows us to distinguish neutral, moderate, crisis and strategic models of consumer behavior, each of which has its own basic distinctive characteristics. Research has shown that in Russian society at the first stages of instability the strategic model of consumer behavior dominated, and later the moderate and crisis models came to the fore. The purpose of the work is to assess the impact of geopolitical instability of recent years on the social psychology of consumer behavior. Research results: the authors have formed justified conclusions based on the results of the analysis of panel statistical data, which allow revealing the features of the impact of geopolitical instability on the social psychology of the intensity of consumer activity.

Key words: social psychology, consumer behavior, macroeconomic instability, geopolitical risks, accumulation, savings, consumer activity.


DOI 10.35775/PSI.2024.63.10.010

D.E. SLIZOVSKY Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Russia RUDN University named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, Russia

N.P. MEDVEDEV Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House "Science Today" Moscow, Russia



The article is a continuation of the analysis of research on modern trends in the development of science and education in Russia based on a review of relevant scientific publications of recent years in some peer-reviewed scientific journals. The first part of the article was published in the previous issue of the journal "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations". Based on scientific publications of scientists, the authors conclude that some strategic plans for transforming Russian education based on the European model and without taking into account the domestic tradition are contradictory.

Key words: science, education, development trends, digitalization, European model, Russian tradition, review of publications.