Publication Ethics

In accordance with the publication ethics and standards adopted by the leading international academic publications, the editorial board of the "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations" review has compiled ethic principles obligatory for all publication process participants, including authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board and editor-in-chief.

Responsibility of the authors

​ By sending his/her article to the editorial board of the "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations" review, the author confirms that it offered for publication for the first time and has not been previously either sent to any other review or published in any other publication.

​ The responsibility for the content of the article rests with the author. The article has to contain only original academic research and data. If the author uses data received by other researchers, he/she has to give relevant references.

​ The author is responsible for the intent or non-intent use of somebody else’s text without relevant reference (plagiarism). Unauthorized borrowing of any element of other person’s article (text, statistic data, etc.) is absolutely not permissible.

​ The author is responsible for providing true information about the financial support of the project described in the article and persons who participated in the research.

​ In case an author finds a serious error or inaccuracy in his/her article that has already been published, the author has to immediately inform editor-in chief or the secretary of such error or inaccuracy in order to correct it or amend the article. If the editor or secretary learns about a serious error made by an author in his/her article from a third person, he/she has to inform the author, who, in his/her turn, has to as quickly as possible present an amended version of the article or submit to the editorial board a proof that his/her article contains true data.

​ The author has the right to initiate a publication of his/her article that has already been published in another language. Such a case shall be additionally considered by the editorial board in accordance with the ethical principles.

Responsibility of the Editor-in Chief

​ The editorial board of the "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations" review accepts only articles that have never been previously published and contain a high percentage of original material. In case it turns out that a submitted article contains up to 50% of the text borrowed from other publications, as revealed by the Anti- plagiarism program, the editorial board reserves the right to reject the article and not to publish it.

​ The editor is responsible for the decisions on the publication of submitted articles that he/she takes. The principle reason for refusing to publish an article shall be an absence of academic value.

​ Neither the editor-in chief nor members of the editorial board shall disclose information about the submitted articles to anybody, except for a narrow group of people directly connected with the articles and participating in their publication.

​ While evaluating an article, the editor-in chief shall pay special attention to the original information contained in it. The editor-in chief shall not under any circumstances use information contained in the articles in his/her own research or any other personal purposes. Such information may be used only after an official publication of the article and only with the reference made in accordance with the generally accepted rules and standards.

​ The editor-in chief shall not demand authors to cite articles previously published in the "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations" review in order to increase the scientometrical figures of the review.

​ The editor-in chief shall evaluate the content of the articles impartially, irrespective of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, citizenship and political views of the author.

Responsibility of the Reviewer

​ The reviewing of the articles shall be confidential and anonymous. In particular, the author shall not be informed as to who is writing a review of his/her article. But the name of the reviewer may be advised to the author in case the reviewer wishes so.

​ The reviewer не shall not disclose information about the articles he/she is reviewing to any third person.

​ The reviewer shall not use in his/her work any materials contained in the article submitted for reviewing prior to the official publication of the article.

​ In case a reviewer, who has positively evaluated an article, expresses some important comments, then after a discussion at the meeting of the editorial board of the relevant comments, they may be published in the review and the author, in his/her turn, may publish his/her responses to such comments.

​ The reviewer shall consider an article with the time limits set by the Reviewing Rules developed by the editorial board of the Issues of Politology review. In case the reviewer cannot submit the review within the set period of time, he/she has to inform the editorial board accordingly.

​ While reviewing an article, the reviewer shall be just and impartial. The only criteria for evaluating an article shall be its academic value. No decisions shall be taken proceeding from the reviewer’s personal preferences.

Conflict of interests

​ All interested parties shall try to avoid any form of conflict of interests at all stages of submission, consideration and publication of the article. In case a conflict situation appears, its participants shall immediately inform the editorial board of it. This rule also acts in case of a violation of the general accepted ethical norms or principles.