ABRAMOV V.L. – Doctor of Economy, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, chief scientific researcher of the Centre on the Research of international economic relations.
ABRAMOVA O.D. – D.Sc. (political science), Ph.D. (economics), professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
AMANZHOLOV D.B. – winner of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Bolashak», Kazakhstan, Astana.
ANANICHEVA S.R. – Ph.D. (sociological sciences), the senior lecture at the department of sociology, political science and regional studies of the Pacific state university.
AYUPOVA Z.K. – D.Sc. (law), Professor of the Chair of the International Law of the Department of the International Relations of Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi.
BOLTENKOVA L.F. – D.Sc. (law), Professor at the National and Federative Relations Department of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
GAIDUK V.V. – D.Sc. (political science), Ph.D. (law), Professor, Head of politology chair, Bashkir State University.
KAZANIN M.V. – Ph.D. (political science), senior lecturer in the Asia Pacific unit, School of regional and international research, Far-Eastern Federal University.
КIRCHANOV M.V. – D.Sc. (history), assistant professor, chair of regional studies and economy of foreign countries, Voronezh State University.
KUSSAINOV D.U. – D.Sc. (рhilosophy sciences), Professor of the Chair of the socio-humanitarian disciplines of the Department of History of Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai.
LUSHNIKOVA I.S. – working for the master degree at the Moscow State Lomonosov University.
MAGADIEV M.F. – Associate professor of social conflictology of the faculty of national security of the Russian presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
МАRUSICH N.N. – working for the master degree at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
MEDVEDEV N.P. – D.Sc. (political science), Professor at the National and Federative Relations Department of the Russian Academy of People’s Economy and Administrative Service under the Russian President.
MIKHAYLOV V.A. – D.Sc. (History), Chief of the National and Federative Department of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
NIGMATULLINA T.A. – Ph.D. (history), Director of Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, working for the doctorate degree at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
SULEYMANOV A.R. – Ph.D. (political sciences), dean of the law faculty, head of the chair of trade union movement and labour law, Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies.
TIMERBAEV T.A. – leading researcher of the Center for Political and Legal Studies of the Eurasian Law Problems Research Institute, Ufa.
YAVCHUNOVSKAYA R.A. – Doctor of Political Sciences, professor at the chair of National Security of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Association of Political Sciences.